Monday, February 3, 2014

It was a blowout but we had a blast!

We have had some Internet coverage but only with the iPad so no pictures for now. We would like to at least keep folks a little updated as to what is going on......

This morning we will keep heading south (all be it at a very slow pace sine we continue to have SE winds) after a delightful stop at Little Farmer Cay. We were able to watch the Super Bowl at Ty's Sunset Bar & Grill and had a lot of fun.  By the second half we had already named the rum special as "Farmers Cay Face Plant"!  Anne & I were just about the only ones cheering for Denver and we took a lot of ribbing from Julian, Daryl, Ty, Coach, Ernestine, Terry and others.

News update.......a proposal for the 49th Super Bowl at the Farmers Cay runway may be in the works. We will have to start right away with bleacher construction but the folks on the cay are up for all sorts of adventure!  Their annual 5 F (Farmers Cay first Friday in February festival) may have to change to 7F ......Farmers Cay first Friday in February festival & Super Bowl for 2015 (another F) and include the Falcons!

We will be hard pressed to meet a group of finer people anywhere......we will be back!

Oh, by the way.....they are having a street hockey game on the runway next week against some of the Canadian Olympic Hockey Team. We have been invited to suit up and play!?  Ouch!!

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