Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The end of another chapter

It is long overdue but we couldn't put fingers on the keyboard or perhaps it just didn't seem real.  But.......

  • we have sold Nati after traveling over 20,000nm miles on her over the last six years.
  • We didn't quite succeed in our goal to making it to the Caribbean past the Bahamas but came close.
  • two years ago I had an eye issue that kept us in the Keys over the winter.  We had the necessary permits to go to Cuba and further.  Strike one!
  • Last year I decided an eye problem wasn't enough excitement so in I went in for surgery and additional fun and games that are continuing to this day.  Strike two!
  • Doctors, hospitals, etc. don't follow you around so we had to make a decision......continue a logistic nightmare or ..............go house shopping!?!?

So in March of this year Nati was sold to a young couple with enthusiasm and we bought a home Punta Gorda.

It was a great can't always get what you want we go again!



  1. Wow! Sorry to hear about your health problems, but I'm glad that Nati has found new owners. We often think of you. We spent the winter in the Bahamas and are back in Florida, heading north. We made Vero our first stop in the US and rushed to Fresh Market to buy cheese! Wishing you all the best, Matt Lucy and Hastings (yep, still ignoring the Dr's dire diagnoses), S/V Independence.

  2. Hi! So sorry to hear about your health issues. I enjoyed your Grey Hound blog very much! She's for sale. I'm wondering if you might contact me and tell me a little more about her history, I'm considering an FC 31 and perhaps her for travels similar to your blog descriptions. Thanks!! Gary
