Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Not quite time to head north.....a few pictures

Now that company has departed and also because we have almost reached our 180 day time limit in the  Bahamas we are starting to look for windows to cross the Gulf Stream and head north.  BUT.......not so fast!!

Nati is looking pretty nice in these shots taken from Flight Plan

Guess who is on the bow?

These were taken when we headed out of Georgetown with Jim and Jo a while back.  Vinny gave them to us so we thought it would make a nice change of pace.

Also, last week we moved back over to Hope Town because of the forecast for stormy weather and took advantage of hanging out in the harbor by going over to the Cat-in-the-hat lighthouse (CITHLH) for the nightly lighting.  Now that was very cool!
The light & Sam's home

Sam McPhee is one of the two lighthouse keepers and he lives on the premises.  His father was also a lighthouse keeper at the same site.  Now this is a very interesting career that no guidance councilor has in their file.  When it is Sam's night to work the light he has to light the kerosene light at sunset, crank the weights up that turn the light and then go up to the light every two hours to crank the weights up all night long.  We were able to go up and watch the whole process.  We didn't go back to check on him two hours later but the light shines all night long.

Sam is waiting for the light to prime

and it starts!

Sam is cranking the weights for the first time tonight

Heading up 101 stairs, right Teagan!?

Not Sam's first time up to the top!

The Fresnel lenses, beautiful!

Seeing the light go into action was certainly a highlight of the trip over to the Bahamas.  Getting a chance to meet Sam and talk about the process was even better!  THANKS SAM !!!!!!

Sam McPhee, Lighthouse Tender

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