Even clean behind the ears!! |
It was one very long day.........actually 10 days but now our boat is sporting some new graphics and a whole lot of clean stuff. We never had a day off and the work was hard but I think the reward is having Nati in tip top shape. We're ready to head south soon and so is she.
Our list of work included:
- Sanding off old bottom paint and applying 2 new coats.
- Pulling off the old and faded decals and having Starboard Sign put new ones on.
- Cleaning the saildrives, changing the fluids, new zincs and cleaned the props.
- Polished the hulls and 2 coats of wax.
- Cleaned Dingh'go and sealed the tubes against slow leaks (and it worked!).
- Cleaned the topsides so many times we can't remember what day it was.
The decal is coming off |
Anne & Cathy |
multihulls everywhere |
The trio taking a break at the Cheshire Crab |
We did have some help with the overhaul and we were sure glad to see Marty. We also have decided to extend OMP to "Blinkin' Beacon Deacon OMP" as he has seen the light of becoming a full fledged member of the M.R. Marty & Anne teamed up to power through the buffing in record time. I wish I had a picture of the duo going at the hulls! Thanks BBD-OMP!
We headed back into the travel lift on Sunday and after a little messing around with the props we were in the water again. Hooray!!
Up, up and away we go! |
Clean props and bottom |
Heading into the water |
Beside us for most of the time we were on the hard we had new friends doing their work also. Cathy & Philippe sailed up from Guadeloupe on their catamaran and are cleaning up
Tangerine Dream for a sail south into warmer waters. We hope we can connect with them again as Anne had lots of fun practicing her French!
time for a cold one under the bridge deck |
Many thanks to Starboard Signs and Pleasure Cove Marina. We will have to patronize these guys again in the future.
http://starboardsigns.com For any decals for your vessel.
www.pleasurecovemarina.com Haul out for wide vessels and very protected dockage with a restaurant on site.
Lookin' Good!! Sail on...